Calendar December 11, 2015 11:25


Here is a first information about my new short animation - Moczarski's CaseIt is the story of Kazimierz Moczarski - a famous Polish journalist, a resistance officer  in occupied Poland during WW2, author of a book called Conversations with an Executioner.

 The film in a metaphorical way tells the story of his life and his encounter with a Nazi general - Jürgen Stroop, the liquidator of the Warsaw Ghetto.

I want to thank to all the artists who participated in the creation of this animation.

The film was produced by Fundacja im. Kazimierza i Zofii Moczarskich (Kazimierz and Zofia Moczarski Foundation) and subsidized by National Centre for Culture Poland.

The author of the music is Adam Brzozowski.


Here is more specific info about the whole story:

During WW2, Polish resistance officer Kazimierz Moczarski prepared an assassination attempt on SS General Jürgen Stroop. Stroop commanded the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto and the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which led to the murder of Warsaw's Jews.

After the War ended, courts in Communist Poland sentenced them both to death. Awaiting execution, they were thrown together in the same prison cell. During this time, Moczarski was regularly tortured and interrogated by the secret police.

Stroop was hanged in 1952. 

In 1956, after the end of Stalinism, Moczarski was acquitted and rehabilitated. Moczarski later recorded his 9 month prison confrontation with Stroop in his book Conversations with an Executioner.

Posted December 11, 2015 11:25

Calendar December 11, 2015 10:19

By decision of jury composed of: Thomas Renoldner (chairman), Svietlana Filippova, Teresa Glad, Cecilia Traslaviña, A Blue Room was awarded with Silver Jabberwocky - the second award in animation category at the 22. IFF ETIUDA&ANIMA (Krakow, Poland).

The film was awarded because it offers a strong reflection how memories work in a traumatic situation - as stated in the jury comment. 

The winner of the Anima competition was Erlking directed by  Georges Schwizgebel (Switzerland).


Here is a link to a list of all awardes films.

Posted December 11, 2015 10:19

Calendar June 10, 2015 11:39

Blue Room won a Silver Hobby-Horse (for the best polish animation) at the 55th Krakow Film Festival.

The jury chairman was Piotr Dumała. The film was awarded for finding exceptionally accurate visual means to express the metaphysical value of the human existence.

Here is a link to a list of all awarded films.

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Posted June 10, 2015 11:39

Calendar April 7, 2015 15:41

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I just came back from the Hong Kong IFF where "Blue Room" received a JURY PRIZE in a short film category. The jury consisted of: FUJIOKA Asako, Heinz HERMANNS and CHAN Chui Hing, Nose.

Jury’s comment: A single fatal moment extended in the life of the protagonist. This hand-drawn animation film transforms a simple four-walled room into a multitude of vehicles for memory travel using unexpected visual and audio aesthetics, assuredly expressing the depth of human trauma and personal experience.



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Also recently my film was awarded in Bezons (France) at the Ciné Poème Film Festival where it received PRIX DE LA JEUNESSE. The jury members were Nathalie Guen (Winner of Laurent Terzieff 2014) and 7 youth.

Posted April 7, 2015 15:41

Calendar March 11, 2015 13:48

A Blue Room was awarded the French Television Award (Prix France Télévisions) equally with La maison de poussière by Jean-Claude Rozec. The award was presented at the Film Festival in Clermont-Ferrand. Part of the award is a commitment of France 3 to buy my next short film. This is very good news for me.

Posted March 11, 2015 13:48

Calendar January 4, 2015 17:08

I recently returned from NEXT STEP workshop where, together with the other participants we have developed our feature film projects.
The workshop was organized by the Semaine de la Critique and Torino Film Lab. The participants were all the directors of short films that were presented at Cannes Film Festival in Cannes Critics' Week section.
My main consultants were: Julien Lilti co-scriptwriter of HIPPOCRATESFabio Grassadonia - co-scriptwriter and co-director of SALVOEwa Puszczyńska - producer of Pawel Pawlikowski’s IDA and Fabien Gaffez - Short Film Coordinator at La Semaine de la Critique. The workshops ware grat and very fruitfull for me. Big thanks to all the organisers and consultants!
My film, which I am currently working on is called Diamond, Whale and the Ornamet life. The film will be about the relationship between a father and a daughter in a context of a fairy tale about the nature of time.
Here's the poster.

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HERE you can find an official catalogue issued for this occasion

And HERE is  a link to the Semaine de la Critique website.

Posted January 4, 2015 17:08

Calendar January 4, 2015 16:21

"A Blue Room" received a Special Mention from the jury member Tess Martin at Aniamteka 11th Animated Film Festival in Ljubljana - Slovenia.

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From the statement:

Dreams are notoriously hard to capture accurately in art. But this film depicts a strange, unnerving and surreal environment that convinces us we are in a dream, or a nightmare. But why the nightmare? The story unfolds so that we are given clues to the protagonist's plight without giving too much away, and yet by the end we are given a resolution that explains a lot of what has come before, making it a satisfying, if unsettling experience. Because of its ambitious and challenging storytelling choices, my special mention goes to A Blue Room by Tomasz Siwinski.

HERE you can find a list of all awarded films. The Grand Prix went to Ewa Borysewicz for To Thy Heart.

On the right I am publishing an interview done with me on the occasion of the festival.

Posted January 4, 2015 16:21

Calendar November 18, 2014 21:08

"A Blue Room" received an award for the best narrative short film at CutOut Fest in Mexico. It is the second award in Mexico after the special mention at the Guanajuato IFF.

Posted November 18, 2014 21:08

Calendar August 5, 2014 15:22

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Blue Room has won the 2nd Award in Polish Short Films Competition at the T-Mobile New Horizons International Film Festival in Wrocław (Poland).

The jury consisted of: Claudette GodfreyJohan Oettinger and Olaf Möller.

From the jury verdict:

A walk through an interior landscape that can be seen as a pure flight of fantasy as well as a psychological study of a mind/soul in turmoil. An admirably crafted animation that makes it complex, multilevelled narrative move by means only this particular cinematic idiom knows. Which is to say: A prime example of harmony between form/technique and content.

Posted August 5, 2014 15:22

Calendar July 25, 2014 21:46

Blue room won the Prize for the Best Animation at 22nd Curtas Vila do Conde Film Festival in Portugal!

The Jury for Portuguese and International Competitions was composed by FABIEN GAFFEZ, VANJA KALUDJERCIC, JOSÉ MANUEL LÓPEZ, JOÃO RUI GUERRA DA MATA and PAUL NEGOESCU.
This is the Jury declaration: We welcome a universe of great artistic coherence. Only the animation cinema is able to give us this kind of visual emotion. But it transgresses the techniques of animation to deliver us cinema in a pure form.


Here you can find list of other awarded films.

And here you can find an interview with me done by Zofia Ścisłowska from polishshorts website.



Posted July 25, 2014 21:46

Calendar April 25, 2014 15:29

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I am happy to announce that "A Blue Room" will have it's premiere on the upcoming Cannes Film Festival. The film will be presented on the Critics' Week (La Semaine de la Critique) section. 

The selection committee for short film is composed by the French film critics: Fabien Gaffez (Coordinator), Pierre-Simon Gutman and Iris Brey. As part of La Semaine de la Critique’s competition, the film will compete for two Prizes: the Sony CineAlta Discovery Prize and the Canal+ Award.

La Semaine de la Critique will organise also reruns in some cities in France and abroad. 

Along with the text you can find the official film trailer and an interview done in Cannes.

Posted April 25, 2014 15:29

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Calendar February 3, 2014 19:41

We have finished work on my new short film. The title of the film is "A Blue Room" and it tells the story of a man who wakes up in a room from which he can't escape. It is entirely animated in painting technique. The film is a French-Polish co-production - produced by Sacrebleu Productions and Se-ma-for. I would like to thank all the people who have made a contribution to the process of creating the film. 

The premiere is announced for 2014. I'll keep you informed when this happens.

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Posted February 3, 2014 19:41

Calendar January 26, 2012 21:51

Blogger Blogger

A Scale-model of Imagination

Currently I am exhibiting my installation - Scale-model of Imagination  at the Foundation For
Promoting Contemporary Art in Warsaw.

The Scale-model of Imagination installation is an attempt to materialise an inner landscape. It encourages visitors to literally enter the scale-model of an artist's mind and become its part. Formally, the presented work is intentionally bulky and coarse. By putting on a analogue helmet, the viewer becomes an observer of dualism of imagination and the outer world, which is presented in a perverse way.
Place: ul. Andersa 13/6A, Warsaw

Time: 27.01.2012 - 09.02.2012

Calendar January 15, 2011 15:27

Blogger Blogger

"Little Black Square" at Clermont-Ferrand

"Little Black Square" will be presented during the International Short Film Festival in Clermot-Ferrand.
The film will be included in the out-of-competition programme "Sacrebleu Productions Producer's Carte Blanche". The Programme will be shown several times throughout the festival.

More information in the catalogue on the website of the festival. (the description of the film - page 132)

Calendar December 20, 2009 11:48

Blogger Blogger

Christmas Palm

I took part in a unique international artistic project in Berlin entitled "Christmas Palm".
The main idea behind the project was to perform simultaneous artistic actions and expositions in several places in Berlin - Freies-Museum, Absence of Art Galerie, Zero Project Galerie, Vox Moebel Salon / Beletage Galerie Derort Galerie, Kunsthaus Tacheles, Whitekoncepts Galerie.
The project was originated and organised by The Beznadziejna Gallery.

You can find a link to the video record of the event here.

Another film presentation of the project can be seen here.

Calendar April 17, 2009 10:00

Blogger Blogger

The whole place is dark and we see

I am participating in a night-long artistic project called The Whole Place is Dark and We See, which
starts at 7 pm on 24 April 2009. It will take place at the Cellar Gallery at Wielopole in Krakow.
The work I am going to present is an installation which will interfere with the cellar's space in a surprising way.
In the dark catacombs of the Cellar Gallery fragments of objects will appear in dim streaks of light. The following artists are contributing to the project: Adam Wsiołkowski, Anna Zwingl, Heidrun Kocher Kocher, Katarzyna Szeszycka, Marcin Kowalik, Marek Firek, Markus Hahn, Roman Britschgi, Sara Korshoj Christensen, Simon Reitstätter .

More information about the project (in polish) can be found here.

Calendar January 10, 2009 08:30

Blogger Blogger

I am taking part in a group exhibition entitled Other Tales ("Inne Bajki"). The exhibition lasts from 8
January to 30 March 2009 at the Wyspiański Pavilion 2000 (Plac Wszystkich Świętych 2). The curators of the exhibition are Małgorzata Mleczko and Patrycja Musiał. It is organised by the No Local Foundation, the City of Krakow and the Krakow Festival Office.
"We would like to tell you about contemporary fairy-tales. Why? We formed this idea when we observed the growing infantilization of culture and the increased interest in fairy-tales and childhood both in the realm of so called ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture in the last two decades. This subject matter is popular in advertising, film, literature, and the media. This fascination with fairy-tales and childhood is also present in visual arts." (an excerpt from the curators' text by Małgorzata Mleczko and Patrycja Musiał)

More information is available on the No Local Foundation's website.

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Calendar June 9, 2008 22:04

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An Author's Evening at the Lokator Club

I would like to invite you to the presentation of my films and a discussion at the Lokator Club.
It will take place on 12 June at 8 pm at the Lokator Club in Krakow. The meeting is a part of the cycle called "24 frames per second - the history of Polish animations through the eyes of young artists". Mariusz Frukacz will be the host of the meeting.

For more details (in polish) visit the website of the Lokator Club.

Calendar April 30, 2006 22:10

Blogger Blogger

An award for "TV-set" in Łódź

My film "TV-set" received the award of the Polish Filmmakers Association for the best Polish film
during the third edition of the International Animated Film Festival ReAnimacja, which took place from 21 till 23 April 2006 at the Charlie cinema in Łódź (Poland).

You can read the jury's decision here.

Photos from the festival can be seen here.